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Legs, Bums & Babies

These are the baby classes, designed for mums! My classes are circuit-style, targeting the whole body - including cardio, diastasis-recti-safe core exercises and pelvic floor training! We use light weights and body weight, combined with functional exercises with plenty of low and high impact options. I limit spaces to ensure I can give you the time needed to train safely and effectively (and give little ones cuddles when needed). Classes are suitable for all fitness levels and any point in your postnatal recovery - be that weeks, months, maybe even years! You can bring your baby; please contact me about children over a year old who are walking.

I provide all equipment including mats, dumbbells and sometimes even sliders. I try to mix up our sessions so no workout is ever the same, and am very used to adapting moves to accommodate different levels and injuries. You just need to bring yourself, baby and a have-a-go attitude!

I like to focus on having fun (there's no point exercising if you don't enjoy it), celebrating what you can do (definitely not what you can't) and going home ready to face the week with a smile on your face (fuelled with a coffee after class)!

Payment Options


Full term

You can book on to every class in the term for £10 per class.

Select 'Book Now' below > 'Next' and scroll down to the bottom, then select the 'Full term' option.

Unfortunately no refunds can be offered. Contact me if you'd like to split payments.


Pay As You Go

You can PAYG for £13 per session. 


Please read the T's&C's before booking any classes.

Class Locations

Monday afternoons:

Burton Pavilion,

Milford Cricket Club,

Milford Heath Road,





Free parking right outside

Tuesday mornings:

Godalming Borough Hall,

Bridge Street,




Parking in Waitrose, Homebase, Sainsburys or paid parking at Waverley Borough Council Car Park, GU7 1HP

Wednesday mornings:

St Peter's Shared Church,

37 Hazel Avenue,




Free parking round the back with direct access into the hall

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